By: Astra Vainio-Mattila
The IB class of 2022 has recently completed their culminating tasks for the new and improved Theory of Knowledge course, and there’s no better way than this exhibition to see how much they have improved over the course of the past month. Theory of Knowledge is a course which is mandatory for all full IB students, and involves thinking about the ways in which we as a society acquire, pass on, and use knowledge. This is done by studying the ways different subjects interact with knowledge, as well as several written papers. Even without the traditional year long course, Ms. Skorich has made the TOK class has been a joy to participate in, and this exhibition is a fantastic example of that.
Each student was tasked with choosing three objects of either personal or societal importance, and was challenged to relate each of these objects back to questions surrounding the concept of knowledge and other topics discussed in class. The whole class participated, along with a few teachers, and they all learned about several different topics as well as their social and personal impacts on the students. This was a fantastic way of showing how IB students have to expand their horizons and go out of their comfort zones while still having a good time and being creative, and it proves how essential TOK is to the IB experience.