FOI & Transcripts

Student transcripts and Ontario Student Records (OSRs)
All students studying in Near North District School Board (NNDSB) schools have an Ontario Student Transcript and an Ontario Student Record (OSR). If you graduated or last attended a NNDSB school, the board will also have your Ontario Student Transcript. If you last attended secondary school in another board, that board will have your OSR. This also includes adult and continuing education; if you attended continuing education at another board after attending an NNDSB school, contact that board to get your OSR.
Transcripts are records of student achievement and are required for post-secondary institutions, employers and for several other purposes. Transcripts are available to all former and current students on request for a fee.
How to obtain your transcript or OSR
Please download and fill out this transcript consent form, and return it to
To obtain a copy of your OSR, contact the last school you attended. Please ensure that the last school you attended was an NNDSB school. If you transferred to another board, even as an adult education student, the OSR moved to that last board. If the last school you attended at NNDSB has closed, please send your OSR requests to
While requests for transcripts and OSRs can usually be handled in two weeks, there will be a delay if the request is submitted through the summer.
Learn more in the Ministry of Education’s OSR Guideline.
Freedom of Information (FOI) requests
MFIPPA establishes a general right of access to records held by municipal government, local agencies, school boards and commissions, using these principles:
- any information held by government should, in general, be available to the public;
- any exemptions from the right of access to information should be limited and specific;
- any decisions relating to access to information can be reviewed by the independent Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario; and
- any person may make a request for information held by a government institution covered by the Act.
How do I make a Freedom of Information request?
Requests are made using the Freedom of Information request form.
Forms may be submitted in person or by mail to:
Near North District School Board
963 Airport Rd.
North Bay, ON. P1B 8H1
Attention: Privacy Officer
Forms may also be completed and sent online to
How much does a request cost?
There is a mandatory $5.00 application fee (payable by the exact amount in cash, cheque or by e-transfer to that must be paid when submitting a Freedom of Information request. Please be advised the $5.00 application fee cannot be waived and is non-refundable. If paying by e-transfer, please add FOI request in the memo line.
Additional fees for searching, photocopying, severing, etc. may apply as outlined in Section 45 of the Act.
What is the time frame for completing a request?
The board responds to a request within 30 days of receiving the form and application fee. Requests requiring an extensive search, many records, and/or consultation with an external third party may require an extension to the 30 days. If an extension is required, you will be notified as outlined in Section 20 of the Act.
For more information, email
Additional information about access to information may be obtained by visiting the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.
Personal information and privacy
Near North District School Board (NNDSB) is committed to the highest level of privacy and confidentiality. NNDSB has a duty to protect the personal information that NNDSB collects, uses and discloses under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56 (MFIPPA) in its custody and control. MFIPPA also establishes a right for individuals to access and request corrections to their personal information, as well as to access general records held by NNDSB.
How is your personal information used?
In addition to the Education Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) governs the sharing/disclosure of personal information.
In accordance with legislation NNDSB shares the personal information it collects as follows:
- for the purpose for which it was obtained or a consistent purpose (a purpose consistent for the reason collected);
- with board officers or employees who need access to the information in the performance of their duties if necessary and proper in the discharge of the board’s authorized functions;
- to comply with legislation, a court order or subpoena or to aid in a law enforcement investigation conducted by a law enforcement agency; and
- in compelling circumstances affecting health or safety.
Privacy Complaints and Breaches
A privacy breach occurs when your personal information is stolen, lost, used or disclosed without proper authorization. If you feel that your privacy has been breached by NNDSB, please contact NNDSB Communications Officer or send a letter with the details:
By Mail:
Near North District School Board
Privacy Officer
963 Airport Rd.
North Bay, ON P1B 8H1
By Email:
Please note that the details will assist NNDSB in identifying, containing, and reporting suspected or confirmed privacy breaches.
Please note that you also have a right to notify IPC of a privacy breach. For more information on the IPC’s privacy breach notification process please visit the IPC website.