Made by Oliva McVeety and Danica Lavoie
We understand that during this time, people have been missing their friends and loved ones. So, this is why we are writing this article to tell you some tips on how you can safely visit people while still following the COVID-19 guidelines.
(We would like to inform you that we aren’t encouraging you to go out and be expose to the virus. We are just stating some tips that might help others.)
Some things I have done during this hectic time period is going on a nice walk after school with my peers while social distancing myself away from them at the same time. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is always best to stay at least 6 feet away from everyone around you. Basically, what we are trying to say is stay in your own bubble when you are out of the house. It is not worth taking the risk of getting the deadly virus at this time.
Recently, we have been using video calling and messaging platforms on our devices to keep in contact with our close peers who we cannot go see at the moment.
Here is a short list of the online platforms we have been using to keep in touch with our friends and family:
- Face Time.
- Standard Calling.
- Zoom
- Microsoft Teams
- Google Meet.
There are many other apps that you can use during this time, but these are the main platforms we use when talking to our close peers.
The End!
We hope you enjoyed reading this article! We appreciate you taking time to read this since this is our first ever Student Voice assignment. See you soon!
Danica Lavoie & Olivia McVeety