Extended French

- Maple View Public School
- Land of Lakes Public School
- Parry Sound Public School
- White Woods Public School
- Almaguin Highlands Secondary School
- Northern Secondary School
- Parry Sound High School
- West Ferris Secondary School
60% instruction in French
3 hours per day
50% instruction in French
2.5 hours per day
A minimum of 4 Extended French courses
3 other courses taught in French
Bienvenue! We invite you and your grade four student to consider enrolling in one of the Near North District School Board’s extended French programs, which begin at the start of grade 5.
Research confirms that second language learning strengthens first-language skills. As well, learning a second language enhances in students the reasoning, problem-solving and creative-thinking skills necessary for our 21st century learners, providing them with a distinct advantage in their future pathways.
Near North District School Board is accepting school registrations through the online application process found on the right side of this page.
If you have any questions regarding the registration process or require assistance please call 705-472-8170 or email info@nearnorthschools.ca.
The extended French program is a French language learning option that is open and available to all students, including students with special needs and identified students. Student IEPs will outline the supports necessary for student success.
In this program French is taught not only as a subject, but is also used as the language of instruction in other content areas, thus providing an immersion experience that offers dynamic and culturally-rich learning opportunities.
At the secondary level, schools may grant a certificate in extended French when the student has completed a sequence of four courses in extended French and three courses in other subjects taught in French.