Board Highlights
Jan. 14, 2021
Trustee professional development
Trustees of NNDSB are taking advantage of professional development opportunities in the areas of the role of the board and human rights.
Chair Aspin, Vice-Chair Cochrane and Trustees Fry, Steer, Sargent and King were designated to attend the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association Education Symposium, scheduled on Jan. 28, 2021. The annual symposium covers topics that affect the role of trustees, and the environments in which school boards operate. This year’s event will be held virtually.
The Honourable Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education extended an invitation to all trustees of all Boards of Education to attend two half-day sessions that comprise the Intensive Human Rights Program for School Board Leaders, offered by Osgoode Professional Development. The session will provide an overview of equity principles and the Ontario Human Rights Code, with a specific focus on anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism. Chair Aspin, Vice-Chair Cochrane and Trustees Sargent, Fry, Breault, Steer and King will attend this virtual training on behalf of NNDSB.
This training will complement the work of NNDSB’s recently struck committee, the Equity Advisory Circle, which reflects the board’s on-going commitment to equity and inclusion.
Thanks are expressed to the Trustees for participating in these valuable and timely professional development opportunities.
Trustees approve International Education Agreement
The Board approved the International Students COVID19 Readiness Plan 2020. With this approval, the board is one step further in the process of being in a position to accept international students seeking education in Ontario.
The health and safety of staff and students remains a top priority of NNDSB. This plan, working in tandem with Government of Canada travel parameters, the Ministry of Education, and organizations that facilitate international student applications, will help NNDSB cultivate an environment that welcomes international students and enriches the diversity of the student body, in support of tenets in the Board’s new strategic plan.
Reports Presented
NNDSB: A Year in Review
Director of Education Craig Myles gave an overview of highlights accomplished in calendar year 2020 at NNDSB, including the distribution of the Director’s Annual Report, the creation of a framework to support succession planning and improved governance, communications and partnerships.
Most significantly, NNDSB is pleased to have implemented all of the recommendations from the Ombudsman’s Report, and acted on all of the items identified in the Special Advisor’s report.
The report substantiates achievements in each of the five objectives mentioned above, and outcomes of this work will be integrated into the Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP).
Board Chair Jay Aspin expressed his appreciation for the effective leadership of Director Myles of a dedicated team, which resulted in these significant accomplishments in the midst of a pandemic.
Multi-Year Strategic Plan
An update was given on the Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The plan’s priority areas are excellence in teaching and learning, excellence in innovation, excellence in relationships, and excellence in communication. The creation of a more fulsome plan, which outlines how NNDSB will work toward meeting the five-year goals, is on schedule.
The MYSP board team will be distributing templates created for departmental planning that aligns the MYSP to the Board Improvement Plans for Student Achievement and Well-being. Planning will include the creation of SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time bound) goals, enabling progress to be monitored, and evidence-informed adjustments to be made when appropriate.
This process aligns all action plans to board priorities.
Chair Aspin said the MYSP will act as a compass for the board, directing its operation for the next five years. Six major areas of work include the implementation of the MYSP, student achievement and well-being, two new school builds, board resources reorganization, North Bay capital property assets utilization, and high school athletics facilities.
Click here to view the MYSP page.
Retirement announced
The retirement of Superintendent of Business Liz Therrien, effective Feb. 28, 2021, was announced. Ms Therrien has provided leadership as Superintendent of Business, and Treasurer to the Board for 10 years.
Committee membership
In keeping with the established governance by-laws, the NNDSB Board of Trustees confirmed membership for each of the Board’s committees. Please refer to the website under Board and Trustee Committee Meetings for current membership.
Information about Near North District School Board:
Near North District School Board is an English-language public school board serving the North Bay – Parry Sound – Nipissing area. The Board consists of approximately 10,000 students in 27 elementary schools, seven secondary/senior schools and various alternative learning centres. For more information, please visit and follow Near North District School Board on social media.
For more information, please contact:
Deb Bartlett
Information/Communication Officer
Near North District School Board
P. (705) 472-8170, extension 5010
For more information, please contact:
Josh Casey
Information/Communication Coordinator
Near North District School Board
P. (705) 472-8170, extension 5083