Board Elections
Near North District School Board (NNDSB) held its annual organizational meeting on December 15, 2020. Trustees virtually elected Board leadership for the 2020/2021 year. The Board of Trustees and Director of Education proudly announce the re-election of Board Chair Jay Aspin, and Vice-Chair John Cochrane, effective December 15, 2020.
Aspin, who represents Zone 1; City of North Bay and Cochrane, who represents Zone 4; Parry Sound, have served as the incumbents of their respective positions, and served as Trustees for two years since their election by the public in 2018. “I am pleased Chair Aspin will continue in the role of Board Chair,” said Craig Myles, Director of Education. “While this has been a challenging year, I am confident that Jay Aspin’s leadership, along with the trustees’ wealth of expertise and skill will ensure that NNDSB is in a strong position to continue providing high-quality education to students in our region.”
The Board chairperson, along with all trustees, serve as stewards of NNDSB with statutory authority and obligation to guide the affairs of the organization. They set the strategic direction of the board in response to the needs of their region and work with the Ministry of Education to ensure alignment on issues such as strategic planning, policies and government direction. Trustees elect a chair and vice-chair each year of their four-year mandate.
“It’s a privilege to continue to serve this region as Chair of the Board and to be working with our talented trustees, the Director, and the administration in carrying out the responsibilities for Near North District School Board,” said Aspin. “I look forward to fostering a culture of collaboration and impactful change as we continue to develop a strong student centric focused organization in the face of COVID-19.”
Reports Presented
Director’s Annual Report 2019-2020
Director Myles presented the 2019-2020 Director’s Annual report, highlighting the breadth and scope of programming and system initiatives NNDSB has accomplished over the last year. This report is especially meaningful as it outlines the progress made in achieving the strategic pathways in the current multi-year strategic plan. Key areas of achievement are noted to be increased experiential learning, a more inclusive environment for all students, enhanced communication practices, and overall accountability. Click here to view the report.
Report to the Minister of Education
The Board reviewed and approved its third and final report for submission to the Minister of Education regarding the progress made towards fulfilling the recommendations from the special advisors’ report. This report represents the last in a series of three reports submitted by the Board on the journey to increasing public confidence and transparency. Major themes in the third report include succession planning, establishment of evidence-based organizational alignment, and governance capacity building.
Multi-Year Strategic Plan Update
The Multi-Year Strategic Planning (MYSP) Committee provided a report to the Board regarding the next steps in the development of the new MYSP. This update follows the meeting in November at which the Board approved the MYSP draft framework. Information was presented to note the plan is being constructed to align with the board improvement plan for student achievement and wellbeing (BIPSAWB) and school improvement plans for student achievement and wellbeing (SIPSAWB). The Director’s Office has created a dedicated MYSP section on the website to highlight the progress, and provide a forum for continuous community feedback throughout the process. Click here to view the MYSP page.
Trustee Expenditures
Instilling public confidence through transparency and financial responsibility is key. As such, NNDSB is pleased to share the trustee expenditures report for the school year ended August 31, 2020. Overall, expenditures were $23,000 less than last year. View the full report here.