Student iPads
Learning at Home Device Support
This site will help you connect your device and provide supports for accessing educational resources. Learn how to access Microsoft applications, activate the accessibility features on your iPad and launch various learning platforms through Clever.
Connecting your iPad:
- Press and hold the power button until an apple appears on the screen. The iPad will finish starting.
- Open Settings
- Select Wi-F
- Locate your router.
- Select your router and enter the password
- You now have Wi-Fi
Download the Learning at Home: MacBook Support Document to learn more about connecting to a network.
To help keep your NNDSB account and the information accessible from your account secure, a password policy is applied for students. While changing passwords may be inconvenient, it helps reduce the risk of exposure and avoids a number of other dangers.
Learn More Here
Password Criteria:
JK - Grade 3:
- Password must be at least 3 characters long
- Good for 2000 days
Grades 4 - 6
- Password must be at least 4 characters long
- Cannot be the same as the last 2 passwords
- Good for 2000 days
Grades 7 - 8
- Password must be at least 6 characters long
- Cannot be the same as the last 2 passwords
- Good for 365 days
Grades 9 - 12
- Password must be at least 8 characters long
- must contain at least 1 character from 3 of the following 4 categories:
- uppercase letters (A-Z)
- lowercase letters (a-z)
- numbers (0-9)
- special characters (e.g. ! @ # $ %)
- Cannot be the same as the last 2 passwords
- Good for 365 days
Clever: iPad Passport to Learning
The Clever app allows students to connect to their teacher and district Clever Pages. Once logged in, students have access to all of their resources they will need for learning from home.
Logging In:
- Locate and open the Clever app
- Enter your NNDSB
- Username and password
- Sign in
Access to all resources from one “Clever” location.
iPad Accessibility
You say it. iPad types it. 
Dictation lets you talk where you would type. You can reply to an email, search the web or write a report using just your voice. Navigate to any text field, activate Dictation, then say what you want to write. You can also use various editing and formatting commands. So you can turn on Dictation and tell your iPad to bold a paragraph, insert punctuation, delete a sentence or replace a word.
Click here to learn how to setup dictation on your iPad
Have your iPad speak text that’s on the screen
Tap and hold on some text (drag the blue handles to highlight a larger section) and and have your iPad read it out loud to you. This feature works in a web browser, PDF and other applications that contain text.
Click here to learn how to setup text-to-speech on your iPad
Platform-Specific Supports
Joining a Teams Meeting Using the Teams iOS app:
You can join a Microsoft Teams meeting on your iPad by launching Teams and singing into the app.
- Launch the Teams app and click Sign in
- Enter your NNDSB username including and sign in with your NNDSB password
- Allow the app to access the Microphone
- Select the Calendar tab in the bottom menu:
- Click the meeting and select Join:
Accessing Microsoft Office Applications:
You can access Office applications (Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint) online using the Office 365 link in Clever or by signing into the downloaded apps on the iPad.
Online through Clever:
Sign into Clever (see above) and select Office 365 from the Tools for Learning section:
- From the list of apps, choose the One Drive icon (Cloud)
- From One Drive you can create a new folder to stay organized and then select New > Word / PowerPoint / Excel / One Note
Your OneDrive is an online storage space for your files.
Benefits of Using your OneDrive:
- You have up to 1TB of space in your OneDrive
- Files can be accessed from anywhere that has an internet connection
- Files are easily shared with others
- Online collaboration is easy with a shared document
Click this link to learn how to access your OneDrive, create files and share them
Accessing Microsoft Office Applications:
You can access Office applications (Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint) online through Office 365 (Chrome browser is recommended) or by signing into the downloaded apps on the MacBook.
Sign into the downloaded Office applications:
- Open the Microsoft app on your iPad
- Click the Sign-in button and enter your full
(Replace ## with your day of birth)
Save your work to your OneDrive:
Click the arrow in the top left corner and select your OneDrive – NNDSB:
Immersive Reader is a Microsoft Learning Tool that supports reading experience to increase readability of content in Word and OneNote documents.
Click this link to learn more: Microsoft Immersive Reader
This video provides an overview of the Immersive Reader:
Office Lens
Office Lens is a scanner app that allows you to digitize notes, posters, story book pages, whiteboards, chalk boards etc. It also features character recognition technology and has the ability to capture text, export it to a word processing application or have it read aloud. With the new Immersive Reader, students can have text read back to them. Adjust speaking rate, font size and spacing within the app.
Text can also be exported to Word, OneNote, Powerpoint or Outlook. Documents can be saved as images in the camera roll or exported as PDF's. When selecting PDF as an export option, the file is automatically stored in an "Office Lens" folder that gets created in OneDrive.
Click here to learn how to scan text and have it read back through the immersive reader
Edsby is a virtual learning platform that allows you to stay connected with what's going on in class, view assessment information and submit work or upload images and videos of your learning.
Edsby Mobile App:
Download the Edsby app on android or iOS.
Edsby Capture:
Edsby capture allows you to take pictures of your work and upload them for your teacher to review. When published, your photos will show up in your Learning Story.
Document - Learn how to download and use Edsby Capture
Learn More About the Mobile App:
Video: Edsby App
Learn How to Set Notifications:
Edsby Notifications
Learn How to Add to your Portfolio:
Edsby Porftolio for Students
Learn How to Submit Work Online:
Submitting Work Online
Learn How to Take an Online Test and View Results:
Edsby Online Testing
The LMS is a virtual learning space where you can view lessons, upload work, participate in discussions and more.
The Pulse App: Stay Up-to-date on the Go!
Pulse helps you stay connected and on track with your Brightspace courses! Download content for viewing offline.
Learn more about the here.
Student Overview of the LMS:
See What's New in Your Class:
Video - LMS News Feed
Access Content and Lesson Material:
Video - LMS Content
Post and Reply to Discussions
Video - LMS Discussions
Submit Work Online Through the Dropbox and View Feedback
Video - LMS Dropbox
Complete Quizzes/Surveys in the LMS
Video - LMS Quizzes
Viewing and Posting to Your Brightspace Portfolio
Video - Brightspace Portfolio
Document - How to use the Brightspace Portfolio App
Keep up-to-date with Brightspace Notifications
How to Set LMS Notifications
Clever: iPad Passport to Learning
The Clever app allows students to connect to their teacher and district Clever Pages. Once logged in, students have access to all of their resources they will need for learning from home.
Logging In:
- Locate and open the Clever app
- Enter your NNDSB
- Username and password
- Sign in
Access to all resources from one “Clever” location.
Need Help with Your Device?
Please contact your teacher who will follow up with support