Dreambox Support Resources
Responsive Math games and tasks
Tuesday, March 31 @ 9:00 am
2.1:DreamBox Learning overview for new users - The board has now purchased licenses for all K-6/8 students in the NNDSB. DBL allows students to engage in lessons that are adapted to their learning needs and allows teachers the opportunity to access real-time data and assign specific lessons to students, which will be particularly useful for the duration of home learning. This session will be geared towards teachers who are new to DreamBox Learning or would like a refresher on the teacher dashboard.
Wednesday, April 1 @ 9:00 am
3.1: DreamBox Learning for Kindergarten - The board has now purchased DBL licenses for all Kindergarten students in the NNDSB. DBL allows students to engage in lessons that are adapted to their learning needs and allows teachers the opportunity to access real-time data and assign specific lessons to students, which will be particularly useful for the duration of home learning. This session will be designed specifically for kindergarten teachers, with a focus on making connections to ELK learning philosophy.
Friday, April 3 @ 9:00 am
5.1 DreamBox Learning - Assign Focus - Assign Focus is a tool in DBL that allows teachers to select lesson groups that are specifically targeted at Ontario math expectations for their students. This session will review this feature for teachers K-6/8 and will provide an opportunity for discussion about how best to use Assign Focus with consideration for home learning.
Click here: Professional learning calendar for a complete list of webinars