I am pleased to share this update as part of our commitment to ongoing communication with stakeholders, including our parent community.
For those that were able to attend, we wish to once again thank you for taking the time to meet with the Joint School Council at their meeting recently held at West Ferris Secondary School. A reminder that the next Joint School Council meeting is scheduled at Chippewa Monday, March 2, 2020 at 6:30 pm (in the school library). This meeting is open to all community members should you wish to attend.
The course selection process at each of the three high schools involved in the 3-2 Consolidation is almost completed. In addition, school leaders have met with students at our intermediate feeder schools of Fricker, Phelps, and M.T. Davidson to ensure that they are aware of the educational opportunities available in our system. While the process began in early December and is almost complete, it is important to note that it is a fluid process that will continue until the beginning of the new school year in September 2020.
Further to the above programming progress, the NNDSB Board of Trustees have allocated funds to begin renovations to classrooms and facilities necessary to accommodate the programming and enrollment changes for September 2020.
Moving forward staff will be focusing on the following:
- Preparing transition activities for students as they move from their current schools into either Chippewa or West Ferris.
- Ensuring that students with special education needs remain a priority.
- Timetabling schools based on student course selection.
- Staffing based on student needs and school program selection.
The success of our students through the delivery of equitable and inclusive high-quality education remains a priority. The innovative programs being offered at Chippewa and West Ferris are a key component of this mandate and we welcome any questions or concerns that you may have in terms of meeting the needs of our students. Please continue to contact your school with anything that may assist you as we work through this process. It is imperative that this initiative maintains a student-based focus. Ongoing feedback and communication is a key component of this.
We will provide further information as we move through this transition period. Thank you for your continued support.
Craig Myles
Director of Education