Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Outstanding NNDSB students recognized at Board meeting
At last night’s meeting of Near North District School Board (NNDSB), trustees heard the first of what will be a series of presentations that recognize students who go “above and beyond”.
The Board will welcome students and members of school communities who embody the board’s strategic commitments established within the Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP). Invited guests will explain how their actions exemplify the MYSP pillars of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Excellence in Innovation, Excellence in Relationships and Excellence in Communication.
By hearing presentations, the Board of Trustees will be able to recognize students and support the entrenchment of the board’s MYSP priorities within school communities.
Board Chair Jay Aspin said, “It is significant that our Board of Trustees recognize outstanding students and members of the school community that go ‘above and beyond’ to fulfill the commitments set out in our strategic plan.”
The first of the presentations acknowledged the work of students Madison Moore of Chippewa Secondary School and Fionna Truong of West Ferris Secondary School. The pair was recently honoured by the Rotary Club of North Bay as recipients of the 2022 Service Above Self award. The award criteria include how students demonstrate warmth and caring towards peers or others. The Rotary Club’s student awards program is intended to promote the values of the club’s motto, Service Above Self, and ensure students know of the benefits of volunteerism.
Madison Moore was recognized at the Board for embodying Excellence in Relationships. A Grade 12 student, Madison has accumulated almost 400 volunteer hours since 2018. She is an athlete who recognizes the value of dedication and teamwork. Most of her volunteer hours were acquired in the sport of hockey and at tournaments such as the boys’ OFSAA tournament.
Fionna Truong is a Grade 11 student in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) program. She was recognized by the Board for illustrating Excellence in Innovation because of being an integral part of the robotics world in North Bay. She has been a team captain for FIRST Robotics, a build captain for Team 1305 and volunteers as a mentor with FLL (Lego) team at West Ferris. She has also worked with other student on a UV Cube Development Project that addressed the healthcare challenge of sterilizing personal protective equipment. Fionna is a team member working on a business plan to move the project into the production phase.
“These two students are shining examples that permit us to realize that commitment and I am very pleased our Board of Trustees has formally recognized their accomplishments,” said Chair Aspin.
For more information, please contact:
Deb Bartlett
Communications Officer
Near North District School Board
P. (705) 472-8170, extension 5010