Friday, May 3, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The monthly Letter to Families, distributed on the first Friday of the month, is intended to keep you apprised of news that affects all students and families of Near North District School Board (NNDSB).
Today is the deadline to apply for NNDSB’s skilled trade bursary program. This program provides a $1,000 bursary to students who wish to pursue a post-secondary skilled trades pathway.
This bursary is open to candidates enrolled at an NNDSB secondary school, who are currently in Grades 11 or 12.
Click here for more information, selection criteria and to apply.
If your family is moving over the summer months, you may be in a different school zone. Check your school zone here.
If you will be moving into a different school zone, we recommend contacting the new school in May to register your child for September. If bus transportation is required, make sure to also complete a transportation form, available from the school.
If you are moving over the summer but remaining in the same school zone, let your school know your new home address as soon as possible. You will need to provide proof of address (new address) to confirm school zone eligibility. You may also need to complete a new transportation form, also available from your school.
Advising your school of an address or school change prior to the end of this school year helps ensure that your child has bus transportation in place for the first day of school.
The school climate survey, which is mandated to take place every two years, is open until May 17.
The links to each of the surveys can be found here. There are surveys for students in Grades 4-6, Grades 7-8, and Grades 9-12, and a separate survey for parents and guardians.
The survey is anonymous, and the information gathered will be used at the school and district level to set goals and measure progress towards creating accepting, safe, and inclusive learning environments.
Virtual school update: Course selections for secondary remote learning have taken place. Students will be attached to home schools and students will have a variety of in-person and online courses.
Elementary students not currently enrolled in elementary virtual learning and looking to attend virtually must contact by June 7 to be considered for virtual learning.
The Ministry of Education released the province’s education budget last week. The new funding model identifies key funding pillars which support students.
The Ministry has created a two-page document to provide families with an overview of how Ontario funds schools.
The next meeting of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) will be held Thursday, May 23 from 1-3 p.m.
Here is the link to join the Zoom Meeting. The meeting ID: 837 4122 7806 and the passcode is 601612.
The next meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend in person or join via Zoom. Here is the link to the meeting. The meeting ID is 899 1167 8742; the passcode is 859936 and the number for dial in is 1-855-703-8985.
If attending in person, please confirm attendance by contacting Maureen Egan at 705-472-8170 ext. 5028 or
Information about the Board, committees and their meetings can be found here.
In addition to staying informed via the board’s website, families can find NNDSB on Facebook and Instagram.
Near North District School Board