Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope that you are enjoying the summer and are looking forward to the return to school in just a few short weeks.
As mentioned in the Letter to Families dated August 4, Near North District School Board (NNDSB) is committed to providing NNDSB families with as much information as possible in advance of the return to class.
You can expect a weekly update every Thursday (Aug. 12, 19, 26 and Sept. 2) leading up to the first day of school on Tuesday, Sept. 7. In addition to the weekly update, stakeholders may receive additional information that is critical and/or time-sensitive.
The board’s senior and management teams are using the Ministry of Education’s guidance document referenced in last week’s letter, as well as the Ministry of Health document released yesterday that outlines how outbreaks are to be managed, to determine what changes need to be made and/or implemented to make the return to school as safe as possible for all.
NNDSB shares its news and information in several formats. There is a new icon on our home page called Updates. On this page you will find news and information, letters to families and any related government documents. Any COVID-related news and information can be found by clicking on the COVID-19 Alerts icon. This page carries information such as the COVID assessment tool, cases and outbreaks in NNDSB schools and information from the Ministry of Health and public health units.
All information is also shared on the board’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.
As always, if you have questions and concerns, please direct them to your child’s principal.
Thank you for your support.
Near North District School Board