Friday, May 28, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
In-Person Learning or Technology-Enabled Remote Learning:
an important choice for NNDSB families for the 2021-2022 school year
Near North District School Board (NNDSB) will be excited to welcome students and staff back to school in September 2021. The following information is important for families to review as you make the important decision about the mode of learning for your child(ren) for September.
This decision is for the entire year.
NNDSB believes in-person learning best supports most students, however, we recognize that given unique circumstances, some families may want their child to learn remotely. In line with guidance from the Ministry of Education, NNDSB is offering a technology-enabled remote learning option in September.
Please review the information below to make an informed decision.
Below are details of in-person learning which is subject to change based on the advice and direction of the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit and/or the Ontario Ministry of Education.
Teachers in both streams will continue to be expected to maintain a virtual learning environment in order to support a transition to remote learning should the need arise or where individual students are required to isolate for a limited time.
Elementary in-person learning
In-person learning for students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 will be modeled on current practice.
- Students will continue to be cohorted by class and staff will rotate from class to class as the schedule demands.
- There will be a continued focus on reducing the number of educator contacts who are delivering instruction to each homeroom/cohort.
Secondary in-person learning
In-person learning will begin with the current safety measures in place. As we move through the school year, we hope to be able to incrementally resume more regular activities and operations.
- We plan to organize our secondary schools into octomesters for at least the first semester.
If you are choosing this option for your child(ren), you are not required to do anything. It will be assumed that you are choosing in-person learning.
NNDSB will offer technology-enabled remote learning for students who wish to learn virtually. With more students returning to in-person classes, our ability to offer a similar breadth of programs as was offered during the 2020-2021 school year will be limited. Students will be registered with the remote learning school for the entire school year and will not be attached to their current home school.
The remote school may be attended synchronously (in real-time, interactive with teacher and class) or asynchronously (with daily check-in but work done independently) but no paper packages will be made available.
Technology-enabled remote learning – elementary school (TERL-ES)
The TERL-ES will offer the full-day kindergarten program, the English program, Native Studies Language and Core French. NNDSB cannot guarantee French Immersion or Extended French programming for TERL-ES, pending registration numbers and given the limited availability of qualified teachers.
- Families wanting French Immersion or Extended French should select in-person learning.
- Like this year, TERL-ES will include multi-grade combined classes.
- Students enrolled in the TERL-ES will be registered with the TERL school and not attached to their current home school.
- Where Internet access is not possible, parents may request a technology-enabled asynchronous program that makes use of the Learning Management System and multi-media resources.
Technology-enabled remote learning – secondary school (TERL-SS)
The TERL-SS will offer a limited selection of courses in each grade level in all program pathways. Secondary students have already completed course selections for next year and for students and families opting to attend TERL-SS, every effort will be made to offer courses that students require for their chose pathways to graduation.
- If students have selected courses not available at TERL-SS, they will have the option to select from a catalogue of e-learning courses.
- System and school-specialized programs will only be available through in-person learning.
- The TERL-SS will follow the same calendar and daily schedule as in-person programming.
Special Education, specialized program classes and IEPs
Our experience this year has shown that in-person learning is the best format to support students with special education needs, particularly those in congregated classes and alternative educations programs. For this reason, in the 2021-2022 school year, congregated classes and alternative education programs will return in-person.
Other students with special education needs will continue to be supported with the necessary accommodations, modifications or alternative programs provided in their Individual Education Plan (IEP), whether their choice is for in-person or TERL.
If you are choosing this option for your child(ren) you must complete a remote learning program request formfor each student who will be assigned to the remote learning school for the 2021-2022 school year. Parents and guardians are asked to complete the form by end of day Sunday, June 6, 2021. We require time to ensure our schools and programs are resourced and staffed appropriately.
If you have questions, please see the Looking Ahead to 2021-22 page on NNDSB’s website. It contains a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section; parents and guardians who have questions that are not answered here are encouraged to leave their question, which will be answered on the page (thus increasing the FAQs which are available to all).
Thank you for helping us to prepare. We’re ready to welcome your children back to our safe, caring and inclusive classrooms in September 2021.
Near North District School Board