Looking Ahead to 2021-22
An important choice for NNDSB families for the 2021-2022 school year
Near North District School Board (NNDSB) will be excited to welcome students and staff back to school in September 2021. The following information is important for families to review as you make the important decision about the mode of learning for your child(ren) for September.
This decision is for the entire year.
NNDSB believes in-person learning best supports most students, we recognize that given unique circumstances, some families may want their child to learn remotely. In line with guidance from the Ministry of Education, NNDSB is offering a technology-enabled remote learning option in September.
Near North District School Board families will be asked to consider what mode of learning they want their child(ren) to engage in for the 2021-22 school year:
- In-person learning at their home school
- Technology enabled Remote Learning Program
Parents or guardians wishing to have their child attend the NNDSB Technology-Enabled Remote Learning School for the 2021-2022 school year must complete a Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Request Form for their child, or each of their children. We are asking that those parents and guardians who wish to request that their child(ren) enrol in the NNDSB’s Technology Enabled Remote Learning School please complete the form no later than Sunday, June 6, 2021. Parents are reminded that this decision is for the entire year.
Please review the information below to make an informed decision.
Please visit the NNDSB website regularly to access the most up to date information.
Below are details of in-person learning which is subject to change based on the advice and direction of the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit and/or the Ontario Ministry of Education.
Teachers in both streams will continue to be expected to maintain a virtual learning environment in order to support a transition to remote learning should the need arise or where individual students are required to isolate for a limited time.
Elementary in-person learning
In-person learning for students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 will be modeled on current practice.
- Students will continue to be cohorted by class and staff will rotate from class to class as the schedule demands.
- There will be a continued focus on reducing the number of educator contacts who are delivering instruction to each homeroom/cohort.
Secondary in-person learning
In-person learning will begin with the current safety measures in place. As we move through the school year, we hope to be able to incrementally resume more regular activities and operations.
- We plan to organize our secondary schools into octomesters for at least the first semester.
If you are choosing this option for your child(ren), you are not required to do anything. It will be assumed that you are choosing in-person learning.
NNDSB will offer technology-enabled remote learning for students who wish to learn virtually. With more students returning to in-person classes, our ability to offer a similar breadth of programs as was offered during the 2020-2021 school year will be limited. Students will be registered with the remote learning school for the entire school year and will not be attached to their current home school.
The remote school may be attended synchronously (in real-time, interactive with teacher and class) or asynchronously (with daily check-in but work done independently) but no paper packages will be made available.
Technology-enabled remote learning – elementary school (TERL-ES)
The TERL-ES will offer the full-day kindergarten program, the English program, Native Studies Language and Core French. NNDSB cannot guarantee French Immersion or Extended French programming for TERL-ES, pending registration numbers and given the limited availability of qualified teachers.
- Families wanting French Immersion or Extended French should select in-person learning.
- Like this year, TERL-ES will include multi-grade combined classes.
- Students enrolled in the TERL-ES will be registered with the TERL school and not attached to their current home school.
- Where Internet access is not possible, parents may request a technology-enabled asynchronous program that makes use of the Learning Management System and multi-media resources.
Technology-enabled remote learning – secondary school (TERL-SS)
The TERL-SS will offer a limited selection of courses in each grade level in all program pathways. Secondary students have already completed course selections for next year and for students and families opting to attend TERL-SS, every effort will be made to offer courses that students require for their chose pathways to graduation.
- If students have selected courses not available at TERL-SS, they will have the option to select from a catalogue of e-learning courses.
- System and school-specialized programs will only be available through in-person learning.
- The TERL-SS will follow the same calendar and daily schedule as in-person programming.
Special Education, specialized program classes and IEPs
Our experience this year has shown that in-person learning is the best format to support students with special education needs, particularly those in congregated classes and alternative educations programs. For this reason, in the 2021-2022 school year, congregated classes and alternative education programs will return in-person.
Other students with special education needs will continue to be supported with the necessary accommodations, modifications or alternative programs provided in their Individual Education Plan (IEP), whether their choice is for in-person or TERL.
Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Request Form:
If you are choosing this option for your child(ren) you must complete a remote learning program request form for each student who will be assigned to the remote learning school for the 2021-2022 school year. Parents and caregivers are asked to complete the form no later than Sunday, June 6, 2021.. We require time to ensure our schools and programs are resourced and staffed appropriately.
Frequently Asked Questions About In-Person Learning & "Technology-Enabled" Remote Learning
See the responses to your questions below:
In-Person & Remote Learning FAQs
Next week, Near North District School Board families will be asked to consider what mode of learning they want their child(ren) to engage in for the 2021-22 school year:
- In-person learning at their home school
- Technology enabled Remote Learning Program
Parents or caregivers wishing to have their child attend the NNDSB Technology-Enabled Remote Learning School for the 2021-2022 school year must complete a Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Request Form for their child, or each of their children. We are asking that those parents and caregivers who wish to request that their child(ren) enrol in the NNDSB’s Technology-Enabled Remote Learning School please complete the form no later than Sunday, June 6, 2021. Parents are reminded that this decision is for the entire year.
Staffing schools for thousands of students is a complex process which requires us to begin planning well in advance. School boards must take into consideration collective agreements with our union partners, hiring needs and the time it takes to staff our schools and programs. This is why we have to ask our families to make a decision on learning options for the upcoming school year. We recognize that this may be a difficult decision for some families.
The COVID-19 situation continues to change in Ontario. We anticipate that a majority of the adult population will receive at least one vaccination dose over the next few months. Given this timeline, it is anticipated that schools will be more stable as staff are less likely to require leaves for COVID-19 related illness. However, we recognize that there is uncertainty in terms of timing for children to be vaccinated.
Yes, the NNDSB will continue to offer remote learning for students in Kindergarten to Grade 8, as well as secondary students who request this option.
In response to COVID 19, the NNDSB put in place the “At-Home” Learning Program. For the 2021-2022 school year, the NNDSB will offer a Technology-Enabled Remote Learning option at the direction of the Ministry of Education and where families request. The Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Schools will align with direction from the Ontario Ministry of Education directive to provide fully-synchronous remote learning. Traditional correspondence, or “paper package” instruction, will not be provided in this model.
At this time, it is expected that students will remain in their chosen mode of learning for the entire school year. Our experience this past year has demonstrated that providing the option to switch is very disruptive for students and for staff as teachers must be shifted to correspond to student enrolment numbers. We heard clearly from families and students that the back-and-forth and the change in teachers and classmates was a negative experience for students. Ultimately these switches had an impact on student and staff well-being.
We are asking families to make a decision for the entire school year.
We do recognize that this is a difficult decision for parents to make especially when they are basing it on information they have today and have no way of knowing what September will look like.
We are asking for the decision to be made for the entire school year because
staffing a school system for thousands of students is a very complex process and we are already behind schedule. If we don’t start the process now, we run the very real risk of not having all our classes staffed at the start of the school year.
In addition, feedback from parents, staff, and teachers was that the providing options for families to switch was very disruptive and had a negative impact on student and staff well-being and learning. Requests for changes often resulted in a teacher change for students, or in some cases, a change of classroom for students.
Remote Learning will occur as part of the virtual learning environment. A low-tech or no-tech option will not be available.
In-Person Learning Teachers are required to have a virtual learning environment for their classrooms and students. In the event the Ministry of Education or North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit direct classes to isolate or schools to close, we would move to remote learning and teachers and students would be prepared to transition.
The Technology-Enabled Remote Learning School planned for the 2021-2022 school year is based on this year’s “At-Home” Learning Program, but there will be differences. The Technology-Enabled Remote Learning School for 2021-2022 will offer Core French and Native Language Studies to students, but the NNDSB cannot guarantee that the Technology-Enabled Remote Learning School will offer French Immersion or Extended French. The Technology-Enabled Remote Learning School cannot replicate an in-person program, and so parents can expect that their child(ren) would not have access to the same types of extra-curricular programming or activities.
The request parents make is for the entire school year.
If parents request Remote Learning and find out that French Immersion is not offered, their child would still be in the Technology-Enabled Remote Learning School and would engage in Core French. If your child returns to in-person the following year, they could resume the French Immersion Program and staff would support the student in addressing any potential learning gaps.
Health and Safety – September 2021
Health Canada has authorized the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for youth aged 12 and up. Ontarians aged 12 to 17 are now able to book an appointment for a free first dose of the vaccine. A youth must be at least 12 years of age on the day of their vaccination.
Youth do not need to attend a clinic with a parent or guardian, and under the provincial Health Care Consent Act (HCCA), there is no minimum age requirement to provide consent for treatments such as a vaccine. See Child & Youth COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet for information on informed consent.
Special “youth clinics” happening throughout the weeks of June 14 and 21 (clinics subject to change so check Health Unit website for updates):
To help your child and your family to make an informed decision, the Government of Ontario has developed a fact sheet (attached) based on expert medical advice and scientific information. It covers several key areas including:
- Safety of the vaccine for youth
- Why vaccination is important
- Effectiveness of the vaccine for youth
As well, we have a dedicated webpage that outlines how to book and prepare for your child’s vaccination appointment. It provides information about the province’s current plan for youth vaccinations, answers key questions around safety and effectiveness, and provides links to external sites for more information. You and your child are also encouraged to talk to your health care provider or contact your local public health unit if you have questions about the vaccine.
Supporting your child to be vaccinated against COVID-19 is an important step in the fight against this disease. It will be a key factor in helping our school community return to a sense of normalcy and will benefit overall physical and mental health for children, youth and their families.
For students who will be attending school for in-person learning, the NNDSB is continuing to follow direction from the Ministry of Education and the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit. Please see below for a condensed list of the safety measures currently in NNDSB schools. This may be subject to change depending on the COVID-19 situation at that time.
Expected Health & Safety Measures:
- Daily screening for staff and students
- Regular Hand Hygiene
- Masks for students and staff
- Classroom and school routines that optimize physical distancing and outdoor time
- Enhanced daily facility cleaning practices.
- Reduction in shared items.
At this time, the Ministry of Education’s direction is to have all students attending in-person to complete a daily self-assessment and provide proof of the self-screening. We anticipate that every morning parents/guardians will be required to screen their children before they get on the school bus, come to school or childcare. NNDSB staff and bus drivers will also be performing a self-screening before coming to work. This is subject to change pending Ministry direction.
It is critical that staff and students who are entering schools conduct a self-assessment daily to check if they have any of these symptoms and they must stay home if they do.
Similar to this year, staff will work with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit to support contact tracing and provide necessary direction and guidance to families. For those classes that are dismissed and required to self-isolate, students would move to remote learning and access the virtual learning environment established by their teacher.
The NNDSB is committed to informing families and school staff if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the school. We will be doing this in a message to families and to staff and posting information on our public website Please note, a positive case at a school does not mean the individual was exposed to COVID-19 at the school. They may have been exposed somewhere else in the community.
Just as we currently do now when children are ill, the classroom teacher, in consultation with the parent/guardian, would provide the student with learning materials and work until they can return. In cases where an entire class is required to isolate at home, we would then move to remote learning for the entire class for the required amount of time.
Multiple schools have received ventilation improvements including HEPA filtration units, HVAC system filter upgrades, windows, and other measures to support sufficient air circulation in classrooms. All classrooms have now been equipped with portable HEPA units, Families are encouraged to reach out to their school Principals for site specific information.
Hand Washing Stations
Hand washing facilities continue to be available in schools. Cleaning protocols are in place to ensure that sinks and faucets are routinely cleaned and disinfected to support appropriate hand hygiene.
Kindergarten to Grade 8 in September 2021
NNDSB’s Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Elementary School will offer our Full Day Kindergarten program, the English Program, Core French and Native Language Studies. The NNDSB cannot guarantee French Immersion or Extended French Programming for the Remote Learning School given the limited availability of qualified French Immersion teachers. If we are not able to offer French Immersion or Extended French Programming remotely to students in the French Immersion or Extended French program, those students will be placed in English remote classes. Those families wanting to guarantee French Immersion or Extended French Programming for their child(ren) should consider In-Person Learning. Similar to this year, our Remote Learning School will include multi-grade combined classes. Students will receive 180 to 225 minutes of synchronous instruction per day including two 40-minute nutrition breaks.
Similar to this year, our Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Elementary School will include multi-grade combined classes. Students will receive 180 to 225 minutes of synchronous instruction per day including two 40-minute nutrition breaks.
Our experience this year has shown that in-person learning is the best format to support students with special education needs, particularly those in congregated classes and alternative education programs. For this reason, in the 2021-2022 school year, special education classes and alternative education programs will return to in-person learning.
Students with special education needs will continue to be supported with the necessary accommodations, modifications, provided in their Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Elementary classes will not combine students learning in-person and students learning remotely.
Not necessarily. Class organization will be managed like it is in a regular school which means that classmates and teachers may change. This will be especially true for next year as we anticipate that most students and families will opt for in-person learning.
Teacher assignments are the responsibility of the principal who takes into consideration a variety of factors in deciding on teacher placements. As always, if parents/guardians have concerns, they need to reach out to the principal.
Remote learning will be delivered through existing platforms including Microsoft 365, Teams, Edsby and D2L Brightspace. Parents or guardians will be required to support their child(ren) learning from home as needed. Parents should expect to provide more support for kindergarten or primary-aged children as their independent skills are not usually as developed as that of older students.
Please also remember that the NNDSB Passport to Learning contains a variety of troubleshooting guides, to help address any technical issues you encounter.
- Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Elementary School will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 3:20 p.m. each day, with two 40-minute nutrition breaks ‘
- Students will be assigned to an online Homeroom with a Homeroom Teacher who will also be online.
- Daily attendance will be taken.
- Students will have 300 minutes of learning opportunities (synchronous and asynchronous) each day.
- Students will receive 180 to 225 minutes of synchronous instruction per day including two 40-minute nutrition breaks.
- Large Group Instruction will be scheduled as part of the day, time depending on grade level.
- Guided instruction (small group), synchronous (live), “Check & Connect” (small group or individual) will also be part of the learning process.
- Independent work will be made available in Brightspace.
- The online Homeroom Teacher, ECE for Kindergarten where applicable, and prep subject teachers will deliver the grade-appropriate Ontario curriculum.
NNDSB’s Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Elementary School will offer our Full Day Kindergarten program. Students will learn synchronously and asynchronously throughout the course of the day.
Synchronous learning is learning that happens in “real time”, when teachers are online “live” with students
- Whole group
- Small group instruction
- One-on-One conferencing with students and Teachers/DECEs
Some examples of synchronous learning that will occur each day are:
- Engaging in community circles focused on building oral language development
- Engaging in virtual play sessions focusing on play-based learning
- Engaging in small group lessons with literacy and numeracy development in mind
Asynchronous learning is learning that is not delivered in real-time. Asynchronous learning may involve students:
- Watching pre-recorded video lessons or completing tasks independently
Students will receive 180 minutes of synchronous instruction per day including two 40 minute nutrition breaks. The number of synchronous minutes may vary from day to day as it will be dependent upon the subject, learning goals, learning outcomes and readiness of students.
These classes are live, virtual and interactive with various students and will not be provided in a recorded format due to privacy concerns.
Last year, the Ontario Minister of Education announced that there will be no Grade 3 or 6 EQAO assessments in the 2020–2021 school year. At this time, we have not received information regarding EQAO requirements for the 2021-2022 school year. We will share more information when it becomes available.
Please visit https://www.eqao.com/ for additional information and updates.
Subject teachers will work with departments to implement adjustments to meet health and safety requirements. Delivery of curriculum may look very different in some areas. Physical education and music will be part of the school experience.
Due to the health and safety restrictions at this time organized sports teams and sporting events are not currently permitted. Large gatherings and assemblies will not occur until provincial direction is given.
Elementary students who are already enrolled in a French Immersion or Extended French Program for the 2021-2022 school year will be able to continue with French Immersion or Extended French Programming in the 2022-2023 school year regardless of their ability to participate in French Immersion or Extended French programming during the 2021-2022 school year. This includes students who are enrolled in French Immersion and Extended French and entering Grade 8 for the 2021-2022 school year. These students will be eligible to apply for Secondary Extended French and French Immersion programs.
Grades 9 to 12 in September 2021
NNDSB’s Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Secondary School will offer a limited selection of courses in each grade level in all program pathways: locally developed/essential, workplace preparation, applied, college preparation, academic, and university preparation. Secondary students have already completed course selections for next year and for those students and families opting to attend the Remote Learning School please note that every effort will be made to offer courses that students require for their chosen pathway to graduation.
Where students require specific courses not available through Remote Learning, they will then have the option to select from a catalogue of E-learning courses. The Remote Learning School will not offer system programs, such as Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM), International Baccalaureate (IB), Arts Nipissing, French Immersion/Extended French or other school specialized programs, which will only be available through in-person schools.
The Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Secondary School will follow the same school calendar and daily schedule as our regular programming. At this time, we are planning to organize our secondary schools into octomesters, but we will be prepared to pivot to quadmester if necessary. The specific daily schedule is not yet finalized and once finalized will run for the entire school year.
Our experience this year has shown that in-person learning is the best format to support students with special education needs, particularly those in congregated classes and alternative education programs. For this reason, in the 2021-2022 school year, Special Education classes and alternative education programs will return to in-person learning.
Students with special education needs will continue to be supported with the necessary accommodations, modifications, provided in their Individual Education Plan (IEP).
No, families and students will choose either in-person learning or remote learning, teachers will not be delivering both modes of learning simultaneously.
Remote learning will be delivered through existing platforms including Microsoft 365, Edsby, Teams and D2L Brightspace. Parents or guardians will be required to support their child(ren) learning from home as needed. Parents should expect to provide more support for kindergarten or primary-aged children as their independent skills are not usually as developed as that of older students.
Please also remember that NNDSB Passport to Learning contains a variety of troubleshooting guides, to help address any technical issues you encounter.
For online courses, will all classes be recorded and made available for review by parents and students later? For parents working during the day or assisting multiple children with at-home learning, simultaneously assisting live classes may be difficult.
These classes are live, virtual and interactive with various students and will not be provided in a recorded format due to privacy concerns.
In March 2021, the Ministry of Education announced that community hours required for students graduating during the 2020-2021 school year was reduced to a minimum of 20 hours and introduced flexibility in how students could meet the requirements.
Grade 9 EQAO Math and the Grade 10 OSSLT were not administered this year given school closures and EQAO’s field testing of these tests. The Literacy Graduation Requirement for students graduating in 2020-2021 was waived by the Ministry of Education.
Students graduating in 21-22 are also exempt from the literacy requirement.
Please visit https://www.eqao.com/ for additional information and updates.
Subject teachers will work with departments to implement adjustments to meet health and safety requirements. Delivery of curriculum may look very different in some areas. Physical education and music will be part of the school experience.
Due to the health and safety restrictions at this time organized sports teams and sporting events are not permitted. Large gatherings and assemblies will not occur until provincial direction is given.
Yes. Students in NNDSB’s Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Schools will follow the same process for reporting an absence as students learning in-person.
The Ministry of Education is requiring boards to track and report on student attendance in Remote Learning Programs. It is expected that students will be available during the school day to work synchronously and asynchronously. The process for reporting absences will be communicated to you by your teacher.
Technology in September 2021
All students in the NNDSB’s Technology-Enabled Remote Learning Schools who do not have access to their own device will be provided a learning device.
Students will require a stable internet connection and a laptop with audio and video capabilities. Where families do not have cell service, and the NNDSB cannot provide internet access, a technology-enabled asynchronous option will be provided.
No, any web enabled device can be used to access the learning that educators are providing to your child(ren). A NNDSB device is not a requirement provided you have an alternative web-enabled device.
Remote Learning will occur as part of the virtual learning environment. A low-tech or no-tech option will not be available.
Transportation in September 2021
The NNDSB is working with Student Nipissing-Parry Sound Student Transportation Services to ensure the preventative measures for school buses meets expectations outlined by North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit and the Ministry of Health. Students must wear a mask while riding the bus.