Monday, Jan. 3, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The team at Near North District School Board (NNDSB) hopes you and your families had an enjoyable, and restful winter break. It is vital that we all take the time to rest and recharge.
This morning, Premier Doug Ford announced that students in Ontario will return from the winter break virtually, rather than in-person for at least two weeks. In order to accommodate this, NNDSB staff will be working Wednesday, Jan. 5 as a turnaround day to prepare students and families for a remote return to class on Thursday, Jan. 6. Students will not have class or assignments to do on Wednesday.
Students in special education classrooms as identified through the IPRC process and who are currently placed in alternative programs in system classrooms will be able to resume to access face-to-face programming in their schools next week. Educators will reach out to the families of these students on Wednesday to discuss the next steps for learning and to make the necessary arrangements.
Families that need the use of board-provided technology to access remote learning are asked to complete the Technology Request Survey to communicate technology needs. Families that have devices for their students are not required to complete the survey.
In preparation for at-home learning, additional resources can be found via this link.
As always, any important news will be shared with stakeholder groups, including families, by letter. The board’s website is also updated, with pandemic news located on the COVID-19 alerts page. News is also posted to the board’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Thank you for your support.
Near North District School Board