Silver Birches Elementary School has recently received a $3000 grant from the Whole Kids Foundation through their “Garden Grant Program”. The purpose of the grant is to create a fruit and vegetable garden at the school that will get kids involved and excited about growing and eating nutritious foods. The school plans include a raised bed garden in the courtyard, a number of container gardens, a pollinator garden, and the planting of various fruit trees around the property.
The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) will take the lead on this garden project, and will work alongside students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 to plant, tend, and harvest the gardens. The school looks forward to creating teams of young gardeners to do weekly work such as maintaining raised vegetable garden beds and pollinator beds with flowers and herbs. Students will work cooperatively to rake leaves, pull weeds, and plant bulbs during the spring. It hoped that garden visits will become a regular part of the school day. Staff envision a place where students can enjoy reading and snack time in the garden, have scavenger hunts, and learn about plant identification, pollinators and other important garden lessons.
For more information about the Whole Kids Foundation, please check out the following website: