Effective Date: May 8, 2001
Revised Date: January 10, 2002
Responsibility: Superintendents of Program and Schools
The Board has established its ENDS policies which are articulated as follows:
• END – E-1 Mega ENDS – The Near North District School Board has a vision that its students will become contributing productive members in a global, competitive society.
• END – E-2 – Academic Knowledge and Skills – “Graduates have the academic knowledge and skills to continue their education or obtain employment” is further interpreted to include, but not limited to:
1. An increase in the percentage of students demonstrate Level 3 and Level 4 standards of the Ontario curriculum. Priority shall be given to literacy.
2. An increase in the percentage of students graduate with Ontario Secondary School Diploma and/or Ontario Academic Courses.
3.Graduates report that they were appropriately prepared for post-secondary education or employment.
4. Students have the skills to be independent, creative, responsible problem-solvers, appropriate to their age and grade level.
• END – E-3 – Social Responsibility – “Students have skills and attitudes to be socially responsible members of society” is further interpreted to include, but not limited to:
1. Students have appropriate interpersonal skills for their age and grade.
2. Students have self-confidence and self-esteem appropriate to their age and grade.
3. Students understand and demonstrate justice, equality, tolerance and compassion.
4. Students have an understanding of and appreciation for Canada’s diverse culture and heritages.
• END – E-4 – Special Needs – “Students with special physical, cognitive, social or cultural needs achieve their personal potential” is further interpreted to include, but not limited to:
1. An increased percentage of “identified” special education students demonstrate mastery of skills as outlined in their Individual Education Plan (IEP).
• END – E-5 – Resource Allocation – The ENDS of the Near North District School Board shall be accomplished within the budget as set for the current fiscal year. Resources will be allocated to each of the ENDS as follows:
1. Graduates have the academic knowledge and skills to continue their education or obtain employment.
2. Students have skills and attitudes to be socially responsible members of society.
3. Students with special physical, cognitive, social or cultural needs achieve their personal potential.
In order to provide the Board with information specific to the progress made towards the achievement of those ENDS, it is expected elementary and secondary Principals will adhere to a data collection process that will be initiated on an annual basis beginning in the spring of 2001. The data required, and the processes used to collect that data are outlined as follows:
Elementary Schools
1.0 Description of Information Required.
1.1 Basic Information for Individual Student Files - This must include Gender, Birth Date, Student Mailing Address, Mident Number of School, Grade, Student Identification Number.
1.2 Student Achievement Data – This will be reflected for each subject area, and each strand for the areas of Mathematics and Language, by level and or percentage in the individual student report card in each of three terms.
1.3 Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO Reading, Writing and Mathematics Achievement Results – The data will include individual student progress by strand and a composite level of achievement for each subject area.
1.4 Students with Individual Education Plans (IEP) – Individual student report cards will identify students having an IEP and which subject areas have been modified. The Special Education Coordinators will prepare a report which identifies students by number, name and exceptionality and forward it to the appropriate Superintendent of Program and Schools by June 30 annually.
1.5 Absences – Ensure absences are reflected accurately on the individual student report card. This does not include “G” days.
1.6 Suspensions – Principals continue to be required to complete suspension letters including a reference to the reason for the suspension as outlined in the Education Act and to add an area that reflects the student identification number and if applicable, the specific exceptionality of the student.
1.7 First Step Screening – Principals will submit their summary sheets preferably in electronic form for the “First Step” Screening which include each Student’s Identification Number and Date of Birth, to the Secretary to the Special Education Coordinator-East/West in the Parry Sound Resource Centre annually within one month of the completion of the screenings and no later than the end of March. The Secretary will enter results from all schools in the database and generate a Board summary report for the elementary Superintendents of Program and Schools by May 1st. The grade two screening occurs in April and data will be forwarded to the Secretary by May 31st. A Board summary will be prepared for the Manager of Information Technology by July 31st .
1.8 Reading Recovery – Principals will ensure the following data is collected by Reading Recovery Teachers and forwarded to the Teacher Leader by the 3rd week in June annually:
- Number of Grade 1 children in school as of June
- Total number of children in school’s Reading Recovery Program in Grade 1 and in Grade 2
- Entry scores (using observation survey) for Reading Recovery students
- End of program/discontinuing scores for Reading Recovery students
- Number of weeks in program (for a student with a complete program)
- Number of lessons in program (for a student with a complete program)
- Number of children who made successful progress and reached average levels of performance (discontinued)
- Number of children recommended as requiring specialist’s help
- Number of children with incomplete programs who moved from school
- Number of children progressing but not able to be continued.
1.9 Early Development Indicators – Principals ensure school secretaries provide the Early Years Coordinator/Designate with a demographic report in Maplewood specific to Junior Kindergarten students in December prior to the testing year and JK teachers complete the EDI questionnaires in March of the testing year.
2.0 Process for Collection of Elementary Data
2.1 Elementary Principals will provide their Superintendent of Program and Schools with a hard copy/disc of:
- The final June report card which includes levels and or marks for three terms for each student Grades 1 to 8 and individual student identification numbers which should follow the student name on the student report card.
- The grade 3 and grade 6 EQAO Test results for individual grade three and grade six students for the prior school year. Each document must include the student identification number which should be clearly written on the top right hand corner of the student report.
- First Steps Screening Data for JK students and where applicable, screening data for grade 2 students, which includes student number and date of birth.
2.2 Elementary Principals will provide the Information and Planning Services Clerk with:
• A Student Data Interface (SDI) export from their Maplewood system which includes all student basic information as part of the annual March reporting cycle for students JK to grade 8.
2.2 Elementary Principals will provide the Early Years Coordinator with:
• a demographic report in Maplewood for all Junior Kindergarten students in December prior of the testing year
• individual student questionnaires by mid March of the testing year.
2.3 Elementary Principals will provide the Reading Recovery Teacher Leader with:
- Number of Grade 1 children in school as of June
- Total number of children in school’s Reading Recovery Program in Grade 1 and in Grade 2
- Entry scores (using observation survey) for Reading Recovery students
- End of program/discontinuing scores for Reading Recovery students
- Number of weeks in program (for a student with a complete program)
- Number of lessons in program (for a student with a complete program)
- Number of children who made successful progress and reached average levels of performance (discontinued)
- Number of children recommended as requiring specialist’s help
- Number of children with incomplete programs who moved from school
- Number of children progressing but not able to be continued by the 3rd week of June annually.
Please note: Student names and numbers will not be published in the reporting process.
Secondary Schools
3.0 Description of Information Required.
3.1 Basic Information for Individual Student Files - This must include Gender, Birth Date, Student Mailing Address, Mident Number of School, Grade, Student Identification Number
3.2 Credit Accumulation – This must reflect the number of individual credits successfully accumulated by year by student.
Diploma Requirements – This must reflect the number of community service hours completed at the end of the current school year, and student achievement on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Unit and would be recorded at the end of the Grade 10 year.
3.3 Certificates Achieved – Include confirmation of:
• Certificate of Accomplishment – Completion of one or more credit courses or a non credit program
• Ontario Secondary School Certificate – Completion of 14 Credits: 7 Compulsory, 7 Optional
• Ontario Secondary School Diploma – 30 Credits: 18 Compulsory, Community Service, Grade 10 Reading and Writing Test.
3.4 Grade 9 EQAO Mathematics Achievement Test – This must reflect the achievement of each grade 9 student and will be recorded at the end of the Grade 9 year.
3.5 Students with Individual Education Plans (IEP) – Include identification of individual students who have as IEP, by course. Principals will forward a list of exceptional students and their exceptionality by student identification number to the Superintendent of Program and Schools Secondary by April 1, annually.
3.6 Absences- Ensure absences are accurately reflected in the SAS report. This does not include “G” days.
3.7 Suspensions – Principals continue to be required to complete the mandatory suspension letters including a reference for the reason for the suspension as outlined in the Education Act and to add areas that reflects the student identification number and if applicable, the specific exceptionality of the student.
3.8 Student Survey – Principals will have students in grades 10 and 11, complete the student survey in the month of February in 2001, and then at the same time the follow up survey is completed for the provincial Double Cohort Study.
4.0 Process For Collection of Secondary Data
4.1 Secondary Principals will need to:
• Ensure this information is entered into the Student Administration System (SAS) at the school level. The information will be then extracted electronically from SAS by the Near North District School Board SAS Administrator using software from Queen’s University. If, for some reason this cannot be done electronically, each Principal would be requested to forward in hard copy the following reports:
SWRG – Personal Data Report
SWRG – Final Marks and Attendance Report (This report includes a flag for each student having an IEP)
SWRG – EQAO: Grade Test of Reading and Writing, Grade 9 Mathematics Evaluation, and Community Service Report
Special Education Exceptionality Report from the IEP Engine.
**SWRG = School Wide Report Generator used with the Student Administration System (SAS).
• Students are assigned only one Student Identification Number. Where a student drops out then returns to the same school or any other secondary school in the Near North District School Board, the student should be assigned the same Student Identification Number as was assigned prior to dropping out.
Please note: Student names and numbers will not be published as part of the reporting process.