Effective Date: September 1, 2000
Responsibility: Superintendent of Business
Many private and government agencies provide financial incentives through the offering of grants or subsidies to target organizations. Where available, grants can enhance educational programs offered by the Board or the Board operations. Schools or departments may apply for such grants.
- Board staff, acting on behalf of a particular program or department are to complete the application forms, budget and covering letter and submit the name to the Superintendent of Business for his/her signature.
- Once signed, the original completed forms are to be submitted to the organization and a copy of the forms shall be forwarded to the Manager of Finance.
- Once the Board has received approval for the grant or subsidy, the Finance Department will provide the individual(s) responsible for the project with special account codes to be used for the budgeted expenditures.
- All purchases relating to the grant shall be in accordance with the Board Administrative Guideline for Purchasing and any requirements of the funding agency. All revenues received shall be accounted for through the Board's general ledger.
- Upon completion of the project, a final financial statement shall be prepared by the Finance Department.