Effective Date: September 1, 2008
Revised: May 23
Responsibility: Superintendent of Program and Schools
1.0 Rationale
1.1 The Near North District School Board is committed to providing Extended French programs through to Grade 12 in a fiscally responsible manner. These programs will be provided in an equitable way according to individual community needs and based on the criteria identified in #2.2.
2.0 Criteria To Initiate or Phase Out Programs
2.1 All recommendations with regard to Extended French program initiation, augmentation, phase out, or relocation shall be made in consultation with the Director, Supervisory Officers, and an Extended French committee. [see Section 4.1]
2.2 The criteria for determining Extended French program initiation, augmentation, phase out, or relocation shall include the following:
- Availability of sites where space is available and is projected to remain available.
- Accessibility of good traffic patterns to the site.
- Community support and a demonstrated interest in enrolling determined by community survey results.
- Room or space to support the program.
- Program and/or accommodation costs.
- Location of elementary/secondary sites within reasonable distances of each other.
- Equitable distribution of sites to meet regional and system needs.
- At the secondary school level, staffing, enrollment and program organization where sufficient courses can be offered in French.
- Other considerations when applicable such as outlined in School Accommodation Policy.
3.0 Program models
3.1 Extended French programs in the Near North District School Board will begin in Grade 5.
“In an Extended French program, French must be the language of instruction for a minimum of 25 percent of the total instructional times at every grade level of the program.
Extended French programs must include the study of French as a second language and the study of at least one other subject taught in French. French as a Second Language Document, p.4
At the Secondary level program hours for Extended French programs shall follow the Ministry Guideline. “Schools may grant a certificate in Extended French if the student has successfully completed the sequence of four courses in Extended French and a minimum of three courses in other subjects taught in French”. French as a Second Language Document, p.3
3.2 The Extended French program at the Junior/Intermediate level shall include a minimum number of hours as identified in the Ministry of Education grant guidelines for French language. It is essential that these minimums be adhered to. “ Extended French programs must provide a minimum of 1260 hours in French by the end of Grade 8”. French as a Second Language Document, p. 5
The Near North District School Board sets the following as the accepted standard:
Gr. 5 & 6 - Minimum French instruction 180 minutes per day / 60% of the program; 3 hrs/ per day; 570 hrs/year
Gr. 7 & 8 - Minimum French instruction 150 minutes per day/ 50% of the program; 2.5 hr per day; 475 hrs/year
Secondary - Minimum of 4 Extended French courses and 3 other courses taught in French
At the Grade 5 and Grade 6 level, 60 minutes per day of English will be devoted to Mathematics instruction. The additional 60 minutes daily will be devoted to a combination of English Language Arts, Science and Technology and Health instruction.
At the Grade 7 and Grade 8 level, 150 minutes per day of English will be devoted to a combination of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Music, Visual Arts, Health and Physical Education.
4.0 Best Practice
4.1 When required, an Extended French Committee will be established to provide advice to the Senior Administration regarding the Extended French program and accommodation issues. The Extended French Committee shall consist of at least the following:
(1) Supervisory Officer responsible for Extended French
(1) Elementary Principal/Vice-Principal of an Extended French school
(1) Secondary Principal/Vice-Principal of an Extended French school
(1) Extended French elementary teacher at the junior level
(1) Extended French elementary teacher at the intermediate level
(1) Secondary Extended French teacher
(1) Program Coordinator
4.2 The Near North District School Board supports the enhancement of resources and technologies in Extended French programs.
4.3 The Near North District School Board supports on-going Extended French teacher professional development in student language acquisition, teaching methodology, and curriculum.
4.4 The Near North District School Board supports the development of a French language culture in all Extended French schools.
5.0 Needs of Students
5.1 Students requiring special education assistance shall receive support through special education programming.
5.2 Transition and support resources will be available, if possible, for students who leave one French program to enter another French program.
5.3 Students with strong French competencies who wish to enter Extended French at a time other than Grade 5 must consult with the school administration.
6.0 District Marketing Strategies
6.1 There will be an annual marketing campaign to attract students to Extended French programs. The Superintendent of Program responsible for French with the support of the Information Officer for our Board will take a lead in this campaign.