Effective Date: December 1, 2000
Revised: September 15, 2004; November 10, 2016
Responsibility: Superintendent of Support Services
The Near North District School Board (NNDSB) strives to provide a technology-enhanced learning environment comprised of software, internet access, cloud-based services, and hardware. This guideline sets out expectations for appropriate use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), including board and personal equipment for educational purposes and while at school, on school-sponsored activities, or while using any board-provided resource.
Use of ICT shall be in accordance with the laws of Canada and Ontario (e.g. Copyright Act, Criminal Code of Canada, and the Education Act), Board Policies and Procedures (e.g. Student Discipline Procedures and the School and Board Code of Conduct).
Users shall treat board ICT including software, internet access, cloud-based services, and hardware with respect.
Users should respect others in their use of shared bandwidth for personal purposes, as this limits the capacity for educational use.
Technology-enhanced learning environments use ICT to help everyone communicate and work collaboratively. ICT supports individual learning and contributes to the learning of others while gaining skills required to be productive and safe digital citizens. NNDSB expects that everyone will ensure ICT is used in a responsible and ethical way, by protecting their own privacy, safety and reputation and the privacy, safety and reputation of others.
Staff may access digital media workspaces for assessment and support purposes. This is done to maintain system integrity and to ensure that users, in accordance with the Appropriate Use Guideline, are using the system ethically and safely.
All users accessing ICT accept the terms of this appropriate use guideline.
Parent/guardian/student acknowledgement and agreement of appropriate use is required annually. (See Appendix “A”)
By following this guideline, users will be able to continue to use NNDSB-provided ICT.
- Staff should refer to this administrative guideline, and adhere to the same expectations as detailed in the “Student” section of Appendix A.
- Staff are also expected to use Board-provided and/or Board-supported resources. (i.e. Office 365, digital learning environment (LMS) to store information or communicate electronically in order to protect privacy under new Canadian law).
- Staff are responsible for protecting personal and student data.