Effective Date: September 1, 2000
Responsibility: Superintendent of Program and Schools (Secondary)
1. In keeping with the mission statement of the Near North District School Board “to educate learners to their fullest potential for life-long learning”; the following parameters are set out for adult and continuing education.
2. The Near North District School Board will continue to offer summer and night schools for credit courses, and where numbers warrant, these programs will be made available throughout the Board’s jurisdiction.
3. In keeping with the restricted funding made available for adult students, the following regulations shall govern the enrollment of adults in our secondary schools:
3.1 Adults will be enrolled in Continuing Education Programs which will be taught by Continuing Education teachers.
3.2 An effort will be made to offer Continuing Education programs throughout the Board’s jurisdiction using existing school facilities.
3.3 Where space exists in regular day school programs, Principals may enroll adult students if the enrollment of these students does not create requirements for additional staff or other costs.
3.4 Students under the age of 21 years who are currently enrolled in schools of the Near North District School Board, and who are progressing reasonably toward graduation, will be entitled to remain as regular students.
3.5 The provision of programs to adult learners must occur at no cost to the Near North District School Board.
4. It is not the intention of the Near North District School Board to offer non-credit interest courses.